Cameroon Young Pharmacists: 2 days to redefine Hospital Pharmacy in Cameroon

26 Sep 2022 / Article

Health products (drugs and medical devices) follow two distinct but closely related paths in public or private health structures. On the one hand, the logistical part which goes from the procurement to the provision of quality products to the patient at low cost. On the other hand, the clinical part, either the management of medications for hospitalized patients (validation/dispensing of prescriptions, pharmaceutical assessment, and evaluation of rational use of medications). The hospital pharmacist is in charge of the regulatory, administrative and professional organization and proper functioning of these two areas.

In Cameroon, hospital pharmacy is still at an embryonic stage. The practice of pharmacists working in hospitals is mostly limited to logistics and supply chain activities. For this reason, the organization and development of hospital pharmacy practice is one of the major areas of focus for Cameroon Young Pharmacists (CYP). Under the patronage of the Minister of Public Health and through its president Dr. Christine Ebelle Same, Pharm.D, the CYP has set up means and methods to improve practice and expand the scope of pharmacists working in the hospital setting.

The CYP has therefore undertaken to bring together pharmacists practicing in the various public and private hospital structures in Cameroon around several activities aimed at redefining the future of hospital pharmacy in Cameroon.

After the first edition in 2017 on the challenges and the status of hospital pharmacy in Cameroon, the second edition shall involve several areas of intervention around the theme "Redefining the future of hospital pharmacy in Cameroon" broken down into five strategic objectives:

  • To establish an updated map of the pharmacists practicing in the hospital structures of Cameroon;
  • To reflect on effective mechanisms to tackle the challenges of supply and inventory management in hospitals;
  • The role of the pharmacist in the promotion of rational use of antimicrobials in hospitals
  • Raise awareness among pharmacists on the various pharmacovigilance issues in hospitals
  • To set up different working groups for the identified problems and create a framework for exchange and sharing between professionals

Two intense days of work, on October 14 and 15, 2022, will allow pharmacists to gather within the Advocate for Hospital Pharmacy community to work on the desired practice model for their practice. The participants, from several spheres of the pharmacy profession, shall be recruited from public and private hospitals, universities, priority health programs, regulatory bodies, etc.

The questions, remarks, and suggestions proposed will also be brought to the attention of the Minister of public health who shall ensure the patronage of this event which is intended to have a strong impact on the development of the profession and an improvement on the quality of care offered to patients within hospitals in Cameroon.

Dr. Maeva Chameni

Université de Douala, Douala, Cameroun (CAMEROON)


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